Hell's Fury: RBMC Tonopah, NV Read online

Page 16

Sick bastards.

  Jones continued to wail as the knife stayed lodged in place.

  Grim was silent so long I nearly forgot he was still standing next to me. He wasn’t fazed by the carnage. “I told Naomi but I’m telling you too. Gave each of those girls we found at the warehouse a choice. They could go wherever they wanted. Rael took a couple to the hospital. Mammoth dropped half of them at the police station and that shit is gonna be all over the news.” A dark chuckle left his lips. “Hope that pisses off Resnikov.”

  Grim was silent so long I nearly forgot he was still standing next to me. “I told Naomi but I’m telling you too. Gave each of those girls we found at the warehouse a choice. They could go wherever they wanted. Rael took a couple to the hospital. Mammoth dropped half of them at the police station and that shit is gonna be all over the news.” A dark chuckle left his lips. “Hope that pisses off Resnikov.”

  “It will.”

  “Rattler is still a wildcard. Never saw him or Resnikov. Got to be more to their plan than we saw.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  “How did Mimi take the news about Desi?”

  “She’s sad. It broke her heart. None of the girls we rescued were Katya. She’s still out there somewhere and Mimi is worried.”

  “There’s no way to find her unless Xenon has some kind of magic trick I don’t know about.”

  “We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  The last of my brothers took their hits and then everyone backed off, leaving me with my prey. My Reaper hissed with anticipation as I closed in, stalking forward as I cracked my knuckles.

  “You’re nothing. Worthless biker trash.” His words slurred and I was surprised he could still speak. Every part of his body was bruised, bleeding, and swollen. Nothing he said mattered anyway. I didn’t bother to reply.

  Closing my eyes, I let my Reaper’s power surface, sensing two of Jones’ biggest fears. One, spiders. Two, fire.

  I thought it was comical that a guy who raped women and trafficked them all over the world could be afraid of such minor things.

  The spiders were the easiest so I used them first. Overly large black widows should do the trick. I imagined how each of their hairy, spindly legs would tickle and cover his skin, skittering across his flesh before they bit down, injecting him with venom.

  The results were better than I hoped. Jones was left enough chain to be able to move slightly but not reach any spots on his body. He could move his arms and legs about four inches but that was it. His whole body wiggled as he tried to smack at his flesh. Panicked, he looked like a demented clown dancing for the prince of hell.

  I added the next layer and could almost smell the smoke and ash, feel the heat and sizzle as the flesh burned. Every single inch of his skin began to slowly heat up and sweat beaded on his forehead and dripped into the blood on his face. Flames erupted in my mind and I tilted my head back, roaring at the top of my lungs when Jones’ cries of terror and screams of pain reached their peak.

  My Reaper fed on that fear, pulling in all the anguish and suffering with it like he was dining on the sweetest and most delectable morsel ever made. He was full to the point of overindulgence and I felt almost drunk off his excess.

  This was what I was created for, what I lived for, what I needed. Bishop was right. Nothing else satisfied quite like feeding the beast what he craved.

  When I locked eyes with Jones, I could see the terror within as he realized he was going to die. He let out a whimper and then begged for mercy. There was none to give. He never granted any in life when it was within his power and I would offer none now.

  “Tell Lucifer I said hello,” I bellowed, balling my fists as I let my Reaper surface and he swiped with the scythe, slicing into the barrier that united flesh and spirit. Jones’ blackened soul was shredded apart as I hacked away, leaving nothing but the pieces that would be gobbled up in hell. A meal fit for a demon king.

  The ground split open and he was sucked in, yanked below the surface that was only visible for a few seconds.

  Without a word, I turned and rushed up the stairs, in a hurry to reunite with Mimi. Her smile brightened as I entered the room, the sunshine that balanced my light and lit up my whole fucking world.

  She was everything.

  My lips claimed hers the moment I was close enough, slamming down as I lifted her and we fell down on the bed. Our clothes were hastily tossed aside and only when I slid inside her, did I feel completely free. Cradling her face, my thumb swept across her soft skin.

  “I love you, Mimi.”

  “You better.”

  Our fingers intertwined and I lost myself in her, the moment, and the knowledge that I found my reason to fly just like she did and it was absolutely gonna be my longest ride.

  “YOU READY?” I ASKED, smirking when I saw Mimi’s snug t-shirt that stretched across her tits tight enough for me to become hard again and we just went three rounds in the bed.


  “No concern? No regrets?” I pressed, making sure my girl was gonna be okay with what was about to happen.

  “I’m good.” She winked and then puffed out her chest. “Remember when you said you liked your flag on everything you own?”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “Well, I’m just reminding you that I’m included.”

  Goddamn. I was staring at perfection. “Shit. Now I want to feast on your pussy and taste your cum again.”

  “So naughty,” she teased, reaching for my hand. “Let’s roll out.”

  Someone must have taught her that and it was adorable.

  “Before we leave,” I began, “there’s something I need to show you.”

  She waved a hand in dismissal. “If it’s about that crazy demon thing inside you then don’t worry.”

  Blink. Blink.

  “I already saw him at the warehouse and he winked at me.”

  What. The. Fuck.

  She giggled at my look of surprise. “Yeah. I saw him right before I passed out. He’s vicious looking but sexy.”

  A rumble echoed deep in my chest as a low growl left my lips.

  “See? He loves me too.”

  I’d heard and seen just about everything but this beat it all.

  “Oh, and he likes to surface and say hi sometimes when you’re asleep.”

  My eyes widened. “Are you fucking with me?”

  “Totally,” she laughed, squeezing my hand. “But I do think he’s badass.”

  Pride puffed out my chest. “You’re my ride or die, sunshine.”

  “Good. Get me on that bike. I want to feel freedom again.”

  A chuckle left my lips and we were on Hwy 95, rolling down the exit to our destination an hour later. Mimi stood and pulled off her helmet as we stopped, handing it over.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time, my sunshine.”

  In the distance, Snooki stood next to a girl that was buried in the hot sand up to her shoulders. Her face was streaked white with the remnants of her salty tears.

  I watched my girl give Snooki a hug before she crouched down and punched Desi in the face. The betrayer’s head snapped back and Mimi punched her again before taking the knife that Snooki handed over.

  I couldn’t see what she was doing but I could hear Desi’s screams.

  My phone pinged and I glanced at the screen, frowning when a picture of a rattlesnake was texted from an unknown number.


  Another text came through with another unknown number. This one was a typed message. You don’t fear me yet but you will.


  The game was on and the enemy just played their next move.

  I needed to get back to the Crossroads.

  My head lifted and I found Mimi walking my way with a triumphant smile on her face.

  “Get some closure, baby? How does it feel?”

  “Better than I imagined.”

  Laughing, I kissed her plump lips and placed the hel
met over her head. My gaze found Mammoth, Exorcist, and Rael as they watched over Snooki. She wasn’t done with Desi yet and I hoped that bitch regretted fucking us over.

  When I parked my bike and we returned home I was surprised to see Nylah standing in the doorway of the Crossroads. She was holding a small bundle and rocking it in her arms, cooing softly.

  My confusion increased went Mimi rushed to her side and then gasped, staring down at the angelic face I noticed once I was close enough. Dark blue eyes blinked up at me while the tiniest little mouth puckered up and then smiled.

  My hand went over my heart and I almost stumbled.

  A baby.

  Nylah handed the bundle over and Mimi’s eyes filled with tears. “He’s yours,” she announced softly, “dropped off about thirty minutes ago.”

  “What?” my sunshine breathed out. “How?”

  “Lady said the baby’s name is Yeva Resnikov.”


  “His name means life.”

  “Oh my god. Katya. It’s her son.”

  Nylah nodded, swiping across her face, and removing tears. “She didn’t survive the birth, Mimi, but she left a living will and signed it, asking that her son’s custody be placed with Naomi Peters.”

  Mimi’s shoulders shook as she began to cry, holding the little boy close as she placed a kiss on his forehead. “I swear you’ll be loved. Every single day I will tell you how wonderful you are and when you’re old enough, I’ll tell you about your brave and special mother.”

  “You won’t be the only one, sunshine. I just gained a son.”

  Mimi glanced at her sister as I surrounded my family with my arms, never feeling more content than right this moment.

  “Why didn’t the social worker stay?”

  “She said she didn’t need to do that. Something about keeping a low profile.”

  “That’s odd.”

  “Whoever she was, I still don’t know how she knew you were here.”

  My spine tingled as my Reaper senses danger.

  Whatever the future held, I would protect my family and the brotherhood in the RBMC.

  Resnikov, Rattler, and the Scorpion MC would wish they never faced the Tonopah chapter. Our Reapers were ready to harvest. Let the bloodbath begin.

  The dry desert air was cooler now that night had fallen across the Great Basin. A shy moon peeked behind layers of filmy gray clouds. Stars shined overhead and I caught the last of the plum-colored rays as they sank below the horizon.

  The was Stefanie’s favorite time of the day, or it was when I arrived at her grave.


  The same sort of sky where I watched her dance in the summer rain and when I knew without a doubt that I loved her, would trade my life for hers, and nothing would stop me from making her mine. A night when the possibility of a future had seemed so promising and the simplest touch of her fingers brushing across my own blossomed hope in my heart. We had our first kiss under similar stars and when her head rested on my shoulder, I’d never felt more complete.

  We shared an ice cream cone that night and I licked a creamy drop off the side of her sweet mouth. I pledged my soul to her in silence, handing over my heart because no other girl was ever going to mean to me as much as my pretty pageant girl.

  Staring down at her grave, I blew out a breath, nodding my head once before I spun on my heel and headed back to my bike. The engine rumbled as I left the cemetery and rolled down the road with only one destination in mind.

  My focus was singular. I paid no attention to the landmarks, the quiet roads, or the cool temperature of the breeze as it whispered across my skin, begging me to turn around and choose a different path.

  Wasn’t possible.

  When Stefanie was murdered, my choice was made.

  The only thing left was the rage. It blocked out the pain. The sorrow. The guilt.

  The flame from my lighter flickered in the careless wind as I started my smoke, inhaling the nicotine into my lungs as my lips lifted into the briefest of smiles.

  Vindication. Vengeance. An eye for an eye.

  None of those words were any comparison.

  I wasn’t justice or revenge tonight.

  I was death. And there would be no mercy.

  Sitting at the table, my gaze roamed over the faces of my brothers. The men who had become my family. We had shit to figure out and the club was going to face some hard times ahead but I didn’t doubt we would figure it out.

  We always did.

  Church ended and we rose to our feet, sharing a few bottles of whiskey before we left the chapel. My mind was preoccupied with a load of shit I didn’t need clouding my head space and I approached my pres, giving him a chin lift.

  “You look like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, Wraith.”

  If he only knew.

  Grim’s hand clasped down on my shoulder like he’d done a hundred times before tonight. Like everything was normal, except nothing about my life was fucking normal. Hadn’t been since the day I accepted the Devil’s Ride. Shit was about as fucked-up as it could get and wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

  Didn’t matter as I watched the shocked expression of my pres as Grim’s fingers sank through my body like I was made of nothing but air, his feet stumbling, nearly slamming face first into the nearest wall. The stricken look of panic on Ex’s face was like a knife plunge into my heart as he rushed to his feet at the same time Mammoth prevented Grim from hitting the wall with one meaty fist. His arm shot out and Grim bounced off my V.P.’s chest, momentarily confused.

  Chaos erupted in the room. No one knew what to say or do. They didn’t understand my condition or the reasons behind it. That was my well-hidden secret.

  I didn’t tell the others about my little problem. Not even Grim.

  My best friend was scared as fuck because Exorcist knew exactly how dire the situation was without saying a word. All I could do was flinch like a little bitch, pathetic as it was. I knew what they all saw. I’d seen it often enough in the mirror in my bathroom at the Crossroads.

  A pale flicker of the Royal Bastard brother they all counted on.

  It was ironic as fuck.

  How long will it take before I disappear altogether?

  My nickname was supposed to be a joke.


  Given because I knew how to make people disappear. Diablo wasn’t the only one skilled in that area. I liked to steal souls in the dead of night. I got off on the terror and thrill of the kill, of seeking justice and watching a man’s wretched soul leave his sin-ravaged body. The knowledge that I left men weak and falling to their knees, petrified with terror as they screamed got me off like some sick freak.

  I was fearless when I stood before Lucifer at the moment of my death, promising retribution without an ounce of regret for the man I would become. It was my calling, my destiny, and also my curse.

  Because like it or not . . . I was nothing but a goddamn ghost.


  If you enjoyed Patriot and Mimi’s story, please leave a review to help others decide on the book.

  To read more about Wraith, click here: Grave Mistake

  To read more about Shadow, click here: The Biker’s Wish

  You can add more of the Royal Bastards MC to your tbr here: Royal Bastards MC Tonopah, NV

  A Special Thank you!

  Thank you so much to my readers! You’ve embraced the Tonopah, NV chapter with open arms and I’m so humbled and thrilled that you all love Grim and his Reapers as much as I do. Without you and your support, I wouldn’t have near as much fun or be able to continue writing such a unique and interesting MC.

  A special thank you to my fellow authors Jessica Ghrist (Kristine Allen), Jamie Lombard, Erin Trejo, Chelle C. Craze, BB Blaque, Chris Genovese, and Crimson Syn for allowing me to use characters from your chapters in my book. You’re all the best!

  I’ve enjoyed every run of the Royal Bastards MC and each one is bigger and better than the last.
br />   I hope to be able to continue writing about Grim and his club for a long time.


  Nikki xx

  Tonopah, NV Chapter

  #1 The Biker's Gift (Holiday)

  #2 Bloody Mine (Holiday)

  #3 Ridin' for Hell

  #4 Devil's Ride

  #5 Papa Noel (Holiday)

  #6 Hell's Fury

  #7 Grave Mistake (Holiday)

  #8 The Biker's Wish (Holiday)

  #9 Eternally Mine (Holiday)

  #10 TBA

  Pres/Founder – Grim “Grim Reaper”

  VP/Founder – Mammoth

  SGT at Arms – Rael “Azrael, Angel of Death”

  Enforcer/Founder – Exorcist “Ex”

  Enforcer/Nomad – Jigsaw

  Secretary – Wraith

  Treasurer – Han “Hannibal”

  Road Captain – Patriot (Marine)

  Tail Gunner – Daniel “Lucky”

  Founder – Papa

  Member – Bodie

  Member/Nomad – Hound

  Member – Diablo (Cleaner)

  Member – Xenon (Tech Spec.)

  Prospect – Toad

  Prospect – Shadow

  Prospect – Spook


  K.L. Ramsey: Ratchet’s Revenge

  Chelle C . Craze & Eli Abbott: Cocked Hammer

  Nikki Landis: Hell’s Fury

  M. Merin: Diesel

  Kristine Allen: Chains

  KE Osborn: Seeking Shadows

  Scarlett Black: River

  Erin Trejo: Bleed for Me

  Crimson Syn: Afflicted with Desire

  J. Lynn Lombard: Torch’s Torment

  Glenna Maynard: Taken by the Biker

  K Webster: Dragon

  Khloe Wren: Flood of Bravery

  Rae B. Lake: Chaos and Paradise

  Misty Walker: Bexley’s Biker

  J.L. Leslie: Worth the Pain

  Nicole James: Climbing the Ranks

  Ker Dukey: Carnage

  Deja Voss: Steel Resurrection

  Elle Boon: Royally Inked

  Jessica Ames: Into the Flames

  Shannon Youngblood: Sex and Candy